Sunday, March 16, 2008

Simple IO

Simple IO

This code reads digital data from an IR motion sensor, attached to pin A0.  (pin 40).

It keeps count of the number of motions it has detected ("numberOfPeople") and outputs data to different pins accordingly.




engineer3 said...

Hi there - it looks like you are a boff - with this STK500 stuff.. I cannot get my STK500 to work reliably..!!! - please tell me how you manage to get your STK500 to work so well...hmmm
you can mail me

engineer3 said...

I only need to get this STK500 to be stable for a short while... I cannot even get it to do - verify commands - correct - one after the other - and it gives errors...
It is very hard to work - with it like this...
I am sure that the ATMEL folks - cannot be this silly - that they just let their stuff behave like this...
I am using AVR Studio 4.13 - with both SP1 and SP2