Thursday, January 31, 2008

Communicating with your chip

Communicating with your chip


1. Install the driver for the usb adapter:

2. Connect the USB adapter to your chip and the computer. 

3. Install zterm
Simply double-click the install icon and follow the on screen instructions. 

4.  Start up Z-term, and select the serial port that corresponds to the USB adapter you just installed.  Configure the connection with the following parameters.

In connection settings:
Turn off flow control
Set Data Rate to 57600
Parity: None

In Text Pacing:
0 delay between characters
1/60th seconds delay between lines

You will want to save these settings, otherwise it is tedious to enter them every time you launch Z-Term. Upon quitting, it will ask you if you want to save, click yes.

5. Open Zterm, and power on the chip while holding the reset button.  You should see the cockroach logo appear in the terminal screen.

6. To program your chip, select File—>Send Text.  Under enable, select All Documents.  browse for the .hex file of the program you compiled, click OK.  
The transfer should start automatically.  When the transfer has completed successfully, you can restart the chalkroach and test that it works.


1. Install the driver for the usb adapter:

2. Connect the USB adapter to your chip and the computer. 

2. Open hyperterminal, make a new connection.  Go to File/Properties/Connect Using --> select the COM port chalkroach is connected to.  This is the COM port assigned to your USB device, after installing the usb driver.

3. Configure the connection as follows.  Click Configure and select:

Bits per second --> 57600
Data bits --> 8
Parity --> None
Stop bits --> 1
Flow control --> None
Click OK.

On to the Settings tab, click on ASCII Setup.

Line delay --> 20 ms,
character delay --> 0 ms
Click OK.

4. Power on the chip while holding the reset button.  You should see the cockroach logo appear in the terminal screen.  

5. From the HyperTerminal Transfer menu, click Send Text File. The Send Text File dialog box appears. Change the file type to All Files, browse for the .hex file of the program you compiled, click OK. The transfer should start automatically. When the transfer has completed, it should notify you of its success, and you can restart the chalkroach and see that it works.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First Programming/Breadboarding Assignment

Week 4 — First Programming/Breadboarding Assignment:
Simple control of an LED, with a program!

Hardware Materials:
220 Ohm resistor.

Software Materials:
cmdlinetest.c from sixcode/examples

You will connect an LED from Port C Pin 0 (PC0 in the schematic below) to +5V (VCC), with a 220 ohm resistor to limit current flow.  
You will then write a program which tells pin PC0 to turn on or off, in some pattern that pleases you.

This is a schematic for the circuit:


According to the schematic from the Atmega32 datasheet, PC0 is pin #22 on the chip (see below).

Pin #22 on our chip corresponds to pin #22 on the breadboard adapter—so we will connect the resistor and then the LED (in series) to that pin on our breadboard, and then the other end of the LED to positive voltage.  Make sure that you orient the LED the proper way, it is polarized!  So the positive side of the LED (rounded) is the one that connects to positive voltage, and the negative side (flat) is the part that connects to the resistor.  

Properly connected, your board should look something like this:

This concludes the hardware setup, and we are now ready for the programming part of this project. 

We are going to modify a pre-existing program, cmdlinetest, to allow us to turn the led on with a new command, "flash".

1.  Make a directory for software you will write inside of sixcode.  From your home directory, type: 

cd /sixcode
mkdir twomey

This is the folder that will hold any programs that you write.

2. Copy the folder cmdline from sixcode/examples to your folder.  This will copy the code files (.c) , header files (.h), the make file (makefile), and anything else you need to compile this program.
From a command prompt in the directory ~/sixcode, type:
cp -r examples/cmdline twomey/led

And verify that the files were copied:

ls twomey/led

will show

cmdlineconf.h cmdlinetest.eep cmdlinetest.lst global.h
cmdlinetest.bin cmdlinetest.elf makefile
cmdlinetest.c cmdlinetest.hex cmdlinetest.o


cmdlineconf.h cmdlinetest.c global.h makefile

depending on whether or not you compiled the program previously.

3.  Now we are going to modify the program that exists.  In your copy of cmdlinetest.c:


// functions


void flashLED(void);


int main(void)


// configure port C for led output

outb(DDRC, 0xFF);

// all LEDs on

outb(PORTC, 0x00);

// wait for hardware to power up


// all LEDs off

outb(PORTC, 0xFF);


void goCmdline(void)


// add commands to the command database

cmdlineAddCommand("exit", exitFunction);

cmdlineAddCommand("help", helpFunction);

cmdlineAddCommand("dumpargs1", dumpArgsStr);

cmdlineAddCommand("dumpargs2", dumpArgsInt);

cmdlineAddCommand("dumpargs3", dumpArgsHex);


cmdlineAddCommand("flash", flashLED);


void helpFunction(void)


rprintf("dumpargs1 - dumps command arguments as stringsrn");

rprintf("dumpargs2 - dumps command arguments as decimal integersrn");

rprintf("dumpargs3 - dumps command arguments as hex integersrn");


rprintf("flash     - flash LEDs attach to PORT Crn");

at bottom of program


void flashLED(void)


// all LEDs on

outb(PORTC, 0x00);

// time to keep light on


// all LEDs off

outb(PORTC, 0xFF);


4.  Save your changes and compile the program.  In Programmers Notepad in Windows, select

Tools --> [WinAVR] Make All

or in OS X

cd ~/sixcode/twomey/led

Your computer should display messages about its progress, and should successfully compile, producing a hex file (cmdlinetest.hex) to be sent to the processor.

5. Open the terminal program, turn on your processor in bootloader mode, and send it the text file cmdlinetest.hex.  The program should finish with

XXXX bytes written to FLASH with 00 errors.

And you know the program was uploaded successfully.

6. Restart your processor and see if your program controls the light. 

7. Modify this program for some more interesting behavior.  For instance, you could separate lightOn and lightOff to be two separate commands.  Or you could control more than one light with the processor.  I have seven-segment displays in the lab, if you want to try writing alphanumeric data to a display.  You could also incorporate basic input (with a switch) to trigger behavior.  Look at sixcode/examples/basic_io for a dscription of input and output settings for the microcontroller.

7b.  Modify the makefile (and rename you directory, your header files, and your source code) so that the program compiles under a different name.

You don't really want to call it cmdlinetest, do you?

Breadboard Adapter

Breadboard Adapter

Materials: PCB, 1 dual-row socket, two 80 pin 0.1" headers.
OUR BREADBOARD ADAPTERS WERE PRINTED TOO WIDE (so we have to trim them by hand)
THE BOTTOM SIDE OF THE BOARD WAS PRINTED BACKWARDS (so the large VCC and GND connections at top are not going to be any use to us)

1.  Cut the pieces to the right sizes, as shown in photo on the right.  Cut 0.1" headers to be 23 pins long, and cut the double socket to be 20 pins long.  Please be very careful cutting these pieces—you can use your wire clippers, but squeeze very slowly and gently, so that you do not get a bad/ugly break on the socket.  Since the socket is extra long, you could try a few practice cuts before doing the real one.  
Cut the breadboard as well (even though my pictures don't show this) this will save you trouble later!
2. Position the socket on the top side of the board (the side with text), and solder it on the bottom.  Solder the corners first, to secure the socket flush with the board, and then fill in the rows of connections.

3. Place the two single row headers on the board, inserting them from the bottom (first picture), and soldering them on the top side (second picture).

Your breadboard adapter is now ready to be used.

4. Stick the adapter in the breadboard so it spans the central gap in the board.  One row of pins should go into the left half of the board (columns A-E below), and the other row of pins should go into the other half (F-J).
4b. Wire up the power as well, with a red wire from VCC (in the middle of the board) to +, and a black wire from GND (in the middle of the board) to -.  If our boards weren't misprinted, we would connect VCC and GND to one of the large terminals at the top of the adapter.

5.  Attach your microprocessor to the adapter. Make sure that Pin 1 (labelled on the bottom side of your microprocessor) connects to Pin 1 (labelled on the top of the breadboard adapter).  Notice the power connections (red and black) in the first image.

6. Connect your power and your serial adapter, start the terminal program, turn on your chip, and you are ready to go!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Build the USB-TTL Adapter

Build the USB-TTL adapter:

We need to connect our microprocessor to our computer for programming and any other computer—processor communication. The processor is designed for serial communication through its Tx and Rx pins (#14 and #15 in the diagram), and the USB port on your computer is a serial port of sorts (a Universal Serial Bus), but we cannot connect them directly together. The USB signals are different from the data signals our processor expects, plus the USB port on your computer has certain protocol by which it expects a device to identify itself and behave. There are many ways to make communication possible, but we will use a USB-TTL converter manufactured by FDTI because of its simplicity as a solution.

The USB-TTL adapter plugs into the usb port on your computer, and has a plug at the other end, terminating in 6 pins.

connects to



We need to connect those pins—GND, TxD and RxD (#1, 4, 5)—to the appropriate pins ("G", "R" and "T") on the programming socket of our board. There are various approaches.
We will make a wire with a socket at either end—one connects to the USB-TTL cable, and the other attaches to the programming socket of our board. Here's how we do it:

Materials: thin gauge wire, three crimping socket terminals, one 4-position socket receptacle, one 6-position 0.1" spaced header, and small heat shrink tubing.

  1. Cut three thin gauge wires, approximately 4 inches long. (Preferrably black, orange and yellow to match those colors on our USB-TTL adapter) Strip the last 1 cm of the wires to insert it into the wire terminal.
  2. Crimp the two crimping tabs of the terminal (the left-most in the photo below) to the end of the wire, and shape the connection with a pair of needle-nosed pliers to assure that the socket is firmly joined to the wire. Repeat for all three wires.
  3. With your soldering iron, very delicately heat the joint you have made, and apply a tiny bit of solder to secure the socket to the end of the wire. Trim the excess wire which sticks beyond the end of the terminal with your clippers. Repeat for all three terminals.
  4. Stick the socket terminals into the appropriate positions on the socket receptacle. The yellow wire in the first position, the orange in the second, and black in the third. This corresponds to the labels "T", "R", and "G" on the bottom of your number 6 board. Note the orientation of the terminals and the housing in the photo below—so that the little metal tab on the back side of the terminal is caught by the free black plastic tab on the receptacle.
  5. Strip the other end of each of these wires to about 1 cm. This is the end that will solder onto the 6-position header that connects to the USB-TTL plug.
  6. Heat the end of each of these wires with the soldering iron, and try to get a little solder on the bare wire, to prepare to join it with the header.

  7. Heat each of the appropriate pins (#1, 4, and 5—black, orange, and yellow) on the header as well, and prep with a bit of solder.
  8. Cut three short pieces of heat shrink for each wire, and slip one onto each wire. These will insulate and strengthen the joints to the 0.1in header.

  9. Align the wires with their respective pins on the header, and solder to join them.
  10. Slip the small piece of heat shrink over the joints, and use a lighter or other heat source to shrink the tube.

  11. You are ready to go!

Be sure that you have installed the Virtual Com Port drivers for the USB-TTL device from FTDI.
Otherwise your system will not recognize the adapter.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hardware Setup

Hardware Setup

There are three things you have to do to get your hardware set up and begin programming:

(1) Build the board
(2) Build the USB-TTL adapter
(3) Load the bootloader onto the microprocessor

Once you've done these things, you can compile and run programs. Instructions follow.

Build the board:

Here are step by step photo instructions for building your board:

Your parts may look slightly different, and your board may look slightly different, but the idea is the same. Be patient and careful with your soldering. Be sure to heat the component and the pad thoroughly before adding the solder—to ensure that the solder bonds well. We'll go over this in class.

Build the USBTTL Adapter:


Installing the bootloader:

We are all going to install our bootloader with the computer in the lab, so we will follow these instructions:

Generally, the instructions are good, but I have a few details to add that help insure success. Here are my revised instructions, with additions in red:

The bootloader we use on the chalkroach was written by Simon Schiessl. You will download the bootloader zip file, and then load it on the ATMega32. There are a few ways to upload a bootloader on a chip, one of them being using a programming board. The STK500 is the programming board we will use here.

  • Download the bootloader zip file ((here)). In this zip file you will find bootloadermutated.hex, the file you will be loading on the microcontroller as well as the source code and the include files required should you decide to modify the code and recompile it.
  • Insert the ATMega32 on the STK500 board in the slot named sckt3100a3 with pin 1 looking away from serial port. Put jumpers on vtarget, aref, reset, xtal1 and between the top two pins of oscel.
  • Make sure that the 6-pin ribbon cable is connected between ISP6PIN and SPROG3 on the STK500.
  • Connect the STK500 to the serial port of your computer and plug in a power supply of between 10 and 15V
  • Open AVRStudio with the STK500 turned on (check that the red LED is lit)
  • Open the project bootloader_programming, if it exists. Otherwise:
    • Start a new project, selecting Project->New.
    • Select AVR GCC for project type.
    • Type in a project name. I used "bootloader_programming".
    • Specify a location and click Next.
    • On the right, select Atmega32 under Device. Debug platform should read AVR Simulator. Click Finish.
  • In the toolbar on the top, click on the black button labeled AVR, the software should automatically detect the STK500.
  • Check that ISP mode is selected under Programming mode.
  • click on the fuses tab and check the following boxe
    • On-Chip Debug Enabled (OCDEN=0)
    • Preserve EEPROM mem through Chip Erase Enabled (EESAVE=0)
    • Boot Flash = 1024 words Boot start address= $3c00 (BOOTSZ=01)
    • Boot Reset vector Enabled (BOOTRST=0)
    • Brown-out detection at 2.7V (BODLEVEL=1)
    • Brown-out detection enabled (BODEN=0)
    • CKOPT fuse enabled (CKOPOT=0)
    • Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq; Start-up time: 1K CK + 0 ms (CKSEL=1110 SUT=00)
  • click on program to set the fuse bits on the microcontroller.
  • click on the program tab. Select Atmega32 in the device box. Select ISP in Programming mode.
  • In Flash, under Input HEX file, browse for bootloadermutated.hex that you downloaded earlier. Click Program.
  • You have just loaded the bootloader on your chip. You are ready to put the chip in your board, and start programming!

Compile a program:

...and we'll see if it works! The program cmdlinetest.c, included with our sixcode examples, is a good place to start.

On OS X:
Follow these instructions:

On Windows:
Compile the program:
  1. Run Programmers Notepad. (installed with WinAVR)
  2. Select File-->Open, and choose the file cmdlinetest.c in the directory sixcodeexamplescmdline. You should see the source code for the program cmdlinetest.c open in the editor window.
  3. Select Tools-->[WinAVR] Make all. Your computer will compile the source code, and display its results in the Output window. If, at the end, you see > Process Exit Code: 0, then you will know the program compiled correctly.
And use Hyperterminal to upload the file to the chip: (as described at the end of this page)

Installing the Development Environment

Installing the Development Environment
(distilled from

There are three software tools you need to begin programming your microprocessor. First you need the AVR libc tools: avr-binutils, avr-gcc, and avr-lib. These are the tools necessary to actually compile your C code and turn it into machine code for the processor. Second, you want the package of beginner code, sixcode, from the computing culture group. And third you need a terminal program.

The follow instructions guide you through installing these software packages for OS X and Windows. The OS X install seems to be particularly tough (it didn't work for me the first time through), but it is possible. The windows install is much easier. Do not worry if you are unable to complete this on your own, we will go over it in class, but I would like you to try. Please e-mail me with questions.

On OS X:

1. Install Xcode from here. Version 2.5 works on both Tiger or Leopard. That's what I installed. If you don't install this you may have errors when you get try the install commands in step 3.

2. Install MacPorts from here. Get whichever version matches your OS. (Tiger or Leopard, etc) MacPorts is a way of downloading, compiling, and managing software tools for OS X. If it works, this is the simples way to install our three AVR Libc tools.

3. Use macports to install avr-binutils.

Open up a terminal window, and type:

sudo port install avr-binutils

sudo port install avr-gcc
sudo port install avr-libc

Each of these 'sudo port' commands that follows is a macport package install. They take a long time to run, and don't give you much feedback. Let them run for a while. They will quit if they have an error.

4. Install Subversion for Mac.

5. Use Subversion to get the #6 code from googlecode repository. In a terminal window, change to the directory you would like to keep your programming files in (for instance your home directory, and type:

svn checkout sixcode

This will fetch the package of code, sixcode, from the google svn repository, and copy it to your current directory. You will then have a complete copy of the avrlib procedures and samples. If the svn command is not recognized by the terminal, then you probably need to add /usr/local/bin to your PATH variable. Find out where subversion was installed, then type:

sudo pico /etc/profile

to edit your profile file. It should look like this:

System-wide .profile for sh(1)
export PATH

if [ "${BASH-no}" != "no" ]; then
[ -r /etc/bashrc ] && . /etc/bashrc

Add /usr/local/bin to the PATH line so that it reads:


Now when you type the svn checkout .... command, it should run.

6. Make a new environment variable pointing at the code you just downloaded. This is necessary so that the compiler, avr-gcc, knows where to find some of the basic library files it is needs to compile your code. In a terminal window, type:

cd /etc
sudo pico profile
Password: (enter your password)

This launches the pico text editor, in which, towards the bottom, you will add the line:

export AVRLIB=~/sixcode

Now you should be able to compile code for the microprocessor. Skip to section two and see if it works.

If you are having problems. I extracted these instructions from Setting up the toolchain for a Mac using MacPorts (which I found rather confusing, and did not entirely work for me). They may work for you. If the MacPorts installation does not work out for you, you may need to download and build parts of the software by hand. Initially, avr-binutils would not build for me. I downloaded and installed the newest Xcode (step 1) and this fixed that problem. However, when I got to avr-libc it would not install, so I had to build it from source.

Instructions for downloading and building from source are here Install the #6 Toolchain on Mac OS X.
Make sure to install all packages to the same directory—for instance the macports commands install the software to /opt/local/, so if you need to build avr-libc from scrath, you need to specify that path for the install. To do this, you change --prefix=/usr/local/avr to --prefix=/opt/local
in the instructions. See below:

$ bunzip2 -c avr-libc-1.4.4.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
$ cd avr-libc-1.4.4
$ ./configure --host=avr --prefix=/opt/local
$ make
$ sudo make install

It is challenging to install these software tools, and may be a type of software work that is unfamiliar to you. If you do not find my instructions particularly helpful, please try the instructions available on the mit website, install software environment, they may work better for you. Or do some google searching. We will go over this in class, so do not worry(!), and feel free to contact me with any questions if you are stuck.


On Windows:

1. Install WinAVR, downloaded from here. This has the compiler and whatnot you need to turn C code into machine code for the processor. It includes avr-gcc, avr-libc, and the various binutils you need to make the code.

Installing this package should also install Programmer's Notepad, a really handy program for editing and compiling your programs. And a few other extras, such as SimulAVR (a AVR simulator, I believe)—complete info is available through the WinAVR website.

2. Install Subversion for windows. This looks like a good version: svn-1.4.5-setup.

3. Use Subversion to check out the #6 code from the googlecode repository. Open a DOS command window (Start -> Run: cmd), and change to a directory you want to install the sixcode into, for instance

cd c:

and type:

c:svn checkout sixcode

This will fetch the package of code, sixcode, from the google svn repository, and copy it to the directory C:sixcode. You will then have a complete copy of the avrlib procedures and samples. Go to the appendix and try to compile some code.

I based my instructions on what I found on the mit website overview for installing the software environment, under the 'Win' section. It did not look as though theirs were entirely accurate, but that reference may be useful if you are stuck. I know we can make this work as I have done it before—so send me e-mail with any questions, and we will also go over all of this in class.


Appendix: Test Your Installation.

You can verify that your installation was a success by trying to comiple one of the examples from the sixcode package. This is done differently on each operating systems.

On OS X:

1. In a terminal window, change to your sixcode directory, and the subdirectories examples/cmdline. For example:

cd ~/code/sixcode/examples/cmdline

If you type ls, you should see the contents of the directory:

littlemac:~/code/sixcode/examples/cmdline rtwomey$ ls
cmdlineconf.h cmdlinetest.c global.h makefile

2. Run make to compile the program. Type


If everything is configured properly, this will compile and make the program cmdlinetest.c. It will produce a whole load of output, as it is running, but if was successful, then towards the end you will see:

Errors: none

And typing ls now will show you the results of your compile:

littlemac:~/code/sixcode/examples/cmdline rtwomey$ ls
cmdlineconf.h cmdlinetest.eep cmdlinetest.lst global.h
cmdlinetest.bin cmdlinetest.elf makefile
cmdlinetest.c cmdlinetest.hex cmdlinetest.o

Congratulations, you successfully installed the software tools!


On Windows:

1. Run Programmers Notepad. (installed with WinAVR)

2. Select File-->Open

select the directory c:sixcodeexamplescmdline,

and open cmdlinetest.c

You should see the source code for the program cmdlinetest.c open in the editor window.

3. Select Tools-->[WinAVR] Make all

Your computer will compile the source code, and display its results in the Output window.

If, at the end of the output, you see > Process Exit Code: 0, then you will know the program compiled correctly.

Congratulations, you are ready to start programming!


Vis 147B Electronic Technologies for Art II. Wednesday 3-5:50pm.
Robert Twomey.
Office Hours: Wednesday 2-3pm.


* Expand your electronics knowledge, building on what you learned in 147A.
* Develop familiarity with microprocessors programming and system design.
* Help you all make interesting projects!
* Investigate the relationship between technology and art
based on your projects, your interests,
and other art and technology work.

Final Project 40%
Midterm Project 30%
Assignments 15%
Attendance / Participation 15%
Total 100%

Of technical instruction.

Motor Control.
Interface circuits.
Serial Communication.
Analog input.
Encoders — Controllers.


What can you do with a microprocessor?
Why would you want to?

reading inputs, controlling outputs. sensing the environment. controlling devices.
circuit design, fabrication.

how do technology and art fit together?
large online community.

number six platform. (website
anything else you can connect to a battery.

circuit design with CAD. Eagle CADsoft (
use of oscilloscope.
programming microcontrollers in 'C'.
(avr-gcc and procyon avr-lib) (

RIbbon cables,
(ordered as a group, approx $60-80)

Soldering Iron, breadboard, etc.
AC adapters.

Week1 - Introduction to the course. What is possible?
Week2 - Standard Tech Art.
Week3 - Political Technologies, Activist Art.
Week4 - Sensory/Perceptual Experience of Technology.
Week5 - Embodied, Situated Technology.
Week6 - Midterm due.
Week7 - Art Systems. Non-Technological Art.
Week8 - Science Fiction.
Week9 - Anti-Technological Impulse.
Week10 - Work on Finals.
Finals - Final due.

Field Trip - Erwin Redhl.


Technical Reference:
(getting started
1. Installing software tools. (website)
RS-232 to TTL converter.
2. Building number six platform.
3. Building serial adapter (
FTDI TTL232R converter:
4. Installing Bootloader.
5. Compiling and uploading program.


What is possible? (Technologically)
Electronics as compared to Computer Programming. Embedded processing. (website embedded-related)
Cornell production class. (website
avrfreaks. (website)
atmega32 datasheet.

Standard Tech Art.

Political Technologies, Activist Art.
'The Artist As Mad Scientist.' Salon, June 22, 2006.
'Letting Go'. by Ian Allen. C Magazine (Toronto) Issue #58.
Computing Culture Group.

Sensory Experience.
'Sensorium—Embodied experience, technology, and contemporary art.' ed Caroline A Jones. 2006.

Embodied, Situated Technology.
'Flesh and Machines. How Robots Will Change Us.' Rodney A Brooks. 2002.
'The Artificial Life Route to Artificial Intelligence: Building Embodied Situated Agents'. eds Rodney Brooks, Luc Steels.
'Vehicles.' Braitenberg. 1984.

Art Systems, Non-Technological Art.
'Open Systems. Rethinking Art c.1970.' ed. Donna De Salvo. 2005.
'The Mimesis of Thinking.' Boris Groys.
'The Serial Attitude.' Mel Bochner.
'Paragraphs on Conceptual Art.' Sol LeWitt. 1967.
'Out of Order Out Of Sight Volume 1: Artists Writings.' Adrian Piper. 1996.

Science Fiction.
'The Left Hand of Darkness.' Ursula Le Guin. Authors Introduction.
'Storming the Reality Studio.' ed Larry McCaffery. 1991.

Anti-technological impulse.
Luddite. (

'Unit Operations.' Ian Bogost. 2006.

'Programming in Common Lisp.' Rodney Brooks.